Common Pitfalls To Look Out For When Writing A Resume

15 March 2023
 Categories: Business, Blog


When writing a resume, you want to make sure that it stands out and accurately portrays your skills. However, people often make many common mistakes when writing their resumes.

Here are some of the most common pitfalls to look out for when writing a resume.

Failing to Include Keywords

Failing to include relevant keywords in a resume is a mistake that can have far-reaching implications for job seekers. Keywords are an essential component of modern-day resume writing as employers increasingly rely on automated applicant tracking systems (ATS) to review and sort through vast resumes. 

These ATS systems use keywords to help identify qualified candidates, and without the right words, your application could easily get overlooked.

Another important reason to include relevant keywords in your resume is that it helps you stand out from other job applicants who may have closely related experience or skills. By including the right words and phrases, employers can easily distinguish your qualifications from others. 

Furthermore, by incorporating specific industry terms and technical jargon, recruiters will have an easier time understanding the scope of your educational background or career experience.

Finally, adding relevant keywords to your resume can help ensure that recruiters find the information they need quickly and accurately. For example, if a recruiter is searching for someone with web development experience, including terms like "HTML" or "CSS," will make sure their search yields results effectively and efficiently. 

Without these key phrases included in a resume, a recruiter may skip over applications that would otherwise be perfect for the role they're hiring for.

Using a Generic Objective Statement 

When writing a resume, you need to take the time to craft a focused and effective summary of your qualifications and experiences. Unfortunately, many people make the mistake of using a generic objective statement as an opening line, which can be an ineffective use of this crucial space.

Using a generic objective statement fails to include specific information about why you would be the perfect fit for the position you are applying for. You should tailor your resume to each job that you apply for by addressing the specific duties in relation to your unique background and experience. This will help ensure that hiring managers clearly understand how your qualifications match the job posting.

Another issue with generic objective statements is that they can become too broad or too narrow, making them less impactful than they could be if they were tailored specifically to the job you are applying for. Instead of making broad statements, focus on why you are the perfect fit for this particular role by highlighting relevant experience and accomplishments from your past.

If you need help, reach out to a resume writing service near you.